Organizational Rules

University of Pécs  
Pécs Alumni Circle

Version effective from:13 February 2014


Chapter I.

General provisions

1. § The Senate of the University of Pécs (hereinafter: the University) hereby establishes an organisation named Pécs Alumni Circle (hereinafter: PAC), uniting the alumni graduated from any and all of the predecessor institutions of the University.

2. § The PAC is an organisation of the University representing the alumni graduated from any and all of the predecessor institutions of the University, and uniting former circles of friends.

Purposes and activities of PAC

3. § The goal of the PAC is to provide former students with a service and support, and to keep regular contact with them after their graduation; to strengthen their bonds towards their Alma Mater and to cultivate university traditions; to inform current students about PAC and its services and to involve them in the work of PAC during their time as university students.
3/A. § The PAC operates as an umbrella organisation; its tasks include uniting and assisting the activities of other University units established for similar purposes. 
4. § For the sake of the purposes set in §3 and §3A, the PAC shall:

keep regular contact with the faculty alumni coordinators, the faculty Registrar’s Offices and the non-Pécs-based headquarters of education,

inform members and answer enquiries about services, benefits (e.g. Alumni discount programme) and university programmes and carry out administrative duties related to application and membership,

contribute to the keeping of regular contact between members and the University by means of a monthly online newsletter and provide opportunities for daily communication by means of community sites,

organise programmes several times a year (e.g. Alumni Academy, Career Day) for which it invites its members, and also provide assistance with organising reunions and professional or cultural events,

organise events for the friends of faculties, or for their respective predecessors, with the assistance and active participation of the latter,

participate in faculty graduation ceremonies, job fairs, university events and exhibitions,

carry out administrative tasks related to the ordering of University Rings,

operate the website and co-operate with the other community sites for alumni students,

organise and create the ALUMNI Magazine in co-operation with the editorial staff of it,

organise and co-ordinate the cultural, training and professional programmes of the Alumni Academy,

organise and develop the international alumni programme of the University.


Chapter II. 

5. § The following persons are eligible for becoming members of the PAC:

any private persons who have graduated from the University or from any of its legal predecessors,

present and former employees of the University,

current students of the university in accordance with §9. c),

guest lecturers, guest researchers,

associations of friends of the predecessor institutions and those of the faculties of the University, which express their intention to join the Pécs Alumni Circle and accept and agree its regulations; these organisations will maintain their legal entity while operating as a unit or section of the PAC at the same time. 

6. § By registration the members agree to the handling and using their data for the purposes of the PAC.
7. § The PAC records registration data in its database. Storage and backup of this database is provided by the Information Management. The PAC provides the faculty alumni coordinators with data for internal alumni purposes in such a way that the faculty alumni coordinators can access, using their own password,  the data of only such persons who belong to the respective faculty (or the predecessor of that respective faculty).
8. § Membership comes into effect with the completion of the membership declaration and, if the member does not opt for standard membership, upon payment of the premium membership fee. Registration form is available at Simplified registration also results in valid membership; see form in Annex 1. Simplified registration is primarily used at faculty events such as graduation ceremonies.
9. § PAC membership types:
a) Standard membership is free of charge and can be chosen freely. Standard members are provided with a membership card and regular electronic newsletter.
b) Premium members agree to pay a minimum of 10,000 HUF annual membership fee, in exchange for which they are provided with the services listed in sections (1) and (2) of §11. The sum remaining after the deduction of the expenses of the office shall be provided for the faculty of the premium member.
c) Junior membership is available for current students of the University. Membership fee and services are identical to those of  standard membership. 
d) Individuals that intend to contribute to the promotion and professional improvement of the PAC and the University are entitled for honorary membership. Those who are entitled to honorary membership are asked, upon the proposal of the faculty, by the President of the PAC to accept this title. Only such persons can be nominated who graduated from the University. Honorary members are entitled to receive the title of PAC Patron, as well as to use the services provided for active members. No annual membership fee is charged.  
10. § Membership comes into effect upon application/registration and payment of the membership fee and, in the case of honorary membership, by accepting the request.

Rights and obligations of members

11. § (1) Each member of the organisation is entitled to:

be informed on the names of the other members who have consented to make their data public for the other members in their declaration,

choose a membership type and change it on the expiration of their next membership fee payment,

obtain information about the activities and programmes of the University,

take part in the events of the organisation,

use a membership card,

enjoy, with their membership cards, the services of partners within the Alumni Discount Programme (Chapter II/A) for a reduced price,

obtain information about the PAC and the University from the online Alumni newsletter.

(2) Premium members are entitled to receive the biweekly magazine of the University called UNIV Pécs; the faculty magazine, if such exists; and the annual Alumni magazine .
12. § Members are obliged to:

pay the annual membership fee, in the case of premium membership,

inform the alumni consultants about any changes with respect to their address and / or e-mail address,

take part in and support the activities of the organisation as much as possible,

cultivate and improve the reputation of the University and the PAC.


Termination of membership

13. § (1) Membership shall terminate upon:
a) resignation, declared by the member,
b) expulsion,
c) death of the member.
(2) Upon non-payment of the membership fee the PAC automatically provides standard membership.
(3) Upon failure of reporting changes in address the PAC shall not provide postal deliveries until the new address (or other contact details) is reported, even if membership fee has been paid.

Chapter II/A

Alumni Discount Programme

13/A. § (1) Corporate sponsors (private persons/sole traders, companies or civil organisation as legal or non-legal entities) that participate in the Alumni discount programme within the framework of a co-operation agreement shall join the PAC as partners (hereinafter: Partner).
(2) Subsequent to registration members are provided with a numbered plastic card. They are entitled to present this card in Partners’ shops or when using their services. Partners shall provide discounts stated in the co-operation agreement for card owners. 
(3) In exchange for the above discounts the Alumni Office shall, in accordance with the relevant regulations of the University, provide marketing services stated in the co-operation agreement with the Partners. These co-operation agreements require no financial settlement.
(4) The University and the PAC offer further opportunities of co-operation as well. Sponsors may determine their respective sponsoring system together with the management of the University and the President of the PAC.
(5) The President of the PAC shall ceremonially award a diploma, a gift package and, if the amount of sponsorship exceeds an annual 1,000,000 HUF, a university ring to the manager of the sponsoring company. The University is entitled to provide further discounted services for the sponsor. 
(6) The sponsor may be entitled for further faculty services under an agreement made directly between sponsor and faculty. The system of faculty sponsorship may be determined by the management of the faculty. 

Chapter III. 
Organisation and operation of the PAC

14. § (1) The President of the PAC is the rector of the University. The organisational and operational framework is provided by the Marketing Department of the Rector’s Office. The name of the unit operating the PAC is: Alumni Office. The manager responsible for marketing shall supervise the employees of the PAC – Alumni Office (PR office manager, alumni consultant), set forward proposals to the Rector related to the PAC, and control the co-ordination of tasks related to the PAC.
15. § The ultimate decisions related to the operation of the PAC shall be made by the Rector of the University as the president of PAC, upon the proposal of the manager responsible for marketing and the PR office manager.
16. § The powers of the Rector shall include especially:

the representation of the PAC as its President,

b)   the modification of membership types and membership fees,
c)   the termination of membership as a disciplinary action if the conduct of the member is derogatory to the principles of the University and the PAC.
17. § (1) The official in charge of the PAC is the alumni consultant. The tasks of the alumni consultant shall be as follows:

keep contact with members (via telephone, mail, Internet),

create and maintain a database about the members that have consented,

conduct the affairs of the organisation on a daily basis,

create a budgetary plan upon proposals by superiors,

organise reunions in co-operation with the faculty registrar’s offices and the faculty alumni coordinators,

participate in graduation ceremonies,

operate the website of the organisation; co-operate with other community websites,

organise PAC events and participate in faculty events,

promote the organisation among current students,

co-operate with student organisations to organise,

dispatch invitations, membership cards, magazines and newsletters

co-ordinate and supervise the edition of the alumni magazine,

coordinate the selling of gifts with PTE logo.

(2) The superior of the alumni consultant is the PR office manager, or, if the latter is occupied, the manager responsible for marketing.
17/A. § The primary tasks of the PR office manager are as follows:

organise company sponsorship and individual donations,

represent the alumni organisation in the absence of the president of PAC,

control and supervise the work of the alumni consultant,

elaborate the strategy of PAC

complete tender applications and co-ordinate their implementation.


Chapter IV 
Provisions on the financial management of PAC

18. § (1) Financial resources of PAC include:

annual membership fees,

revenues from events,

member payments exceeding membership fee,

donations by private persons,

donations by legal persons under agreement,

financial support from applications.

(2) Donations and membership fees are to be paid into the bank account of the University held at Magyar Államkincstár (Hungarian National Treasury), which must be registered under different numbers.


Chapter V 
Final provisions

19. § The present bylaws shall come into effect on the date of its adoption.
Pécs, 4 October 2003.
Dr. József Tóth


Present bylaws were adopted by the Senate on 4 October 2001.
The modifications of the present bylaws were adopted by the Senate on 27 November 2003.
The modifications of the present bylaws were adopted by the Senate on 24 November 2005. Modifications shall come into effect on the date of adoption.
The modifications of the present bylaws were adopted by the Senate on 25 September 2008. Modifications shall come into effect on the date of adoption.
The modifications of the present bylaws were adopted by the Senate on 9 April 2009. Modifications shall come into effect on the date of adoption.
Dr. Róbert Gábriel
The modifications of the present bylaws were adopted by the Senate on 13 February 2014. Modifications shall come into effect on the date of adoption.
Dr. József Bódis