Popular UP Table Tennis Cup



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The Sports Office of the University of Pécs organized its first-ever table tennis cup on the evening of 25 October. Nearly 40 university citizens stood behind the table in the Sports Hall of the Faculty of Engineering and Information Technology to decide who could play the best.

Gábor Orosz, the leader of the university table tennis team and the main organizer of the UP Cup was pleased with the turnout and the level of competition. He said that he was impressed by the sportsmanship and camaraderie of the participants and that he was confident that the event would be a success in the future.


Amateur women's singles:

1.            Huang Rong

2.            Assel Kamysbayeva

3.            Anna Dombi

Amateur men's singles:

1.            Levente Borsodi

2.            Dávid Ádám Domián

3.            Szilárd Molnár

Combined professional category:

1.            Barnabás Faragó

2.            Márton Németh

3.            Gábor Bihercz


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