The UP Team won a Silver Medal at the First International Anatomy Competition



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At the first international anatomy competition organized by the University of Glasgow and the European Federation for Experimental Morphology (EFEM), the team of the University of Pécs, representing Hungary alone, managed to secure the second place, only one point behind the winning Cambridge team.

Dr. Zoltán Rékási, associate professor at the Institute of Anatomy of the UPMS (University of Pécs Medical School), one of the team's preparatory instructors said about the international success: "As the course director of neuroanatomy, I recruited Medárd Varga, a student of the Hungarian program, and Woojae Jung, a student of the English program, from South Korea, who are already third-year students, and have also won the Béla Flerkó Award for achieving the best exam result, and they are already actively participating in the educational activities of the institute as demonstrators. In addition to them,

55 participants from 23 countries participated in the online competition. Hungary was represented only by the UP team."

Of the 40 questions of the EFEM World Anatomy Day 2023 Student Undergraduate Online Quiz, which covered anatomy, neuroanatomy and development, the Hungarian team scored 37 points, while the winning Cambridge team scored one more, 38.

"We are very proud of this success, as our students achieved this great result in a very prestigious field. Suffice it to say that medical students from renowned universities came from the United States, the United Kingdom and many other countries to take part in the competition.

This result also indicates that medical education in Hungary, and more specifically in Pécs, competes with the top by truly international standards"

– said dr. Zoltán Rékási proudly.

World Anatomy Day is celebrated on 15 October »